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Cloud Services Help You Compete

Cloud this, cloud that...what the hell does it all really mean. Is your "stuff" out in space flying around for anyone to see? Is it out of your control? Um, no on all fronts. It simply means your "stuff" lives in a data center you access via the internet or dedicated connections.It is yet another shift in the computing landscape. It offers numerous benefits from eliminating capital expenses to enabling remote workers anywhere.

Once upon a time there was a computer system made up of big & heavy boxes with tiny green or orange text. there were no hard drives, mice or pretty pictures. The box connected to a magic BIG box that lived in a mysterious place in the building. If the machine broke, you plugged another one in and went about your way. PCs changed all that and we started hoarding all kinds of stuff. But when those machines failed, all your "stuff" was gone too. Along came networks with remote storage! You could save stuff off your computer but if the storage get the picture.

Cloud services technologies have evolved and been around for a long time. Limits in connectivity, powerful computers and expense kept it reserved for large enterprise environments or companies with huge IT budgets. What was once cost prohibitive and out of reach for most small businesses has become a smorgasbord of interrelated resources anyone can use. Just about everything, including the actual computing environment can be virtual, without a real box! I know, it's crazy

Leveraging the cloud today changes the game. Think about the things you need to run your business; email, accounting systems, ERP systems and more. All of it can be hosted elsewhere protecting you from physical risks to your data and processes. It also operationalizes the costs of having those systems. Gone are the days of buying racks of servers to run email and data storage systems, provide authentication and more. All of it can be had on a subscription model changing a $20,000 expense into a $325 a month fee. No more upgrading, power protection, repairing failed machines or managing backup tapes. Your fees cover that and provide you access to power well beyond what you could afford.

To learn more, send us a note and schedule some free time to talk about saving you money, provide peace of mind and keep the profits coming.

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